The Partnership to End HIV, STD, and Hepatitis Statement on HIV Prevention Funding
Funding for HIV prevention is a cornerstone in the nation's efforts to end the HIV epidemic. Continued support and investment in HIV prevention are essential to sustain progress and ultimately achieve the goal of ending the HIV epidemic. Without federal funding,...
Congressional Briefing: Syndemic Approaches to Ending the HIV, Hepatitis, and STI Epidemics
Join an important briefing on the FY 2025 appropriations bills addressing federal funding for HIV, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and hepatitis programs. During this briefing, panelists will discuss the importance of syndemic approaches and sustained and...
Partnership to End HIV, STDs, and Hepatitis Heralds President Biden’s Groundbreaking Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Proposal
Washington, DC - The Partnership to End HIV, STDs, and Hepatitis, a collaborative of the nation’s leading organizations focused on ending the epidemics of HIV, STDs, and hepatitis – AIDS United, NASTAD, the National Coalition of STD Directors, NMAC, and The AIDS...
Congressional Briefing: Ending the Epidemics through a Syndemic Lens
On March 23, 2022, the Partnership to End HIV, Hepatitis, and STDs held a Congressional Briefing titled Ending the Epidemics through a Syndemic Lens. The HIV, viral hepatitis, and sexually-transmitted disease epidemics are inextricably linked. Ending these epidemics...
Letter to Congress: Fully Fund Programs that Provide Critical Support for Increasing the Availability and Access to High-Quality Harm Reduction Services
The Partnership to End HIV, STDs, and Hepatitis is a coalition of five of the nation’s leading organizations focused on ending the HIV, STD, and hepatitis epidemics in the United States by sharing resources to advocate for HIV, STD, and hepatitis programs and...
Statement from the Partnership to End HIV, STDs, and Hepatitis on the FY 2022 Omnibus
Washington, DC - Five of the nation’s leading organizations focused on ending the HIV, STD, and hepatitis epidemics in the United States — AIDS United, NASTAD, the National Coalition of STD Directors, NMAC, and The AIDS Institute — today issued the following...
Letter to Congress: Close the Medicaid Coverage Gap
The Partnership to End HIV, STDs, and Hepatitis, a coalition of five of the nation’s leading organizations focused on ending the HIV, STD, and viral hepatitis epidemics in the United States, wrote the letter below to Congress to urge closing the health insurance...
Statement from the Partnership to End HIV, STDs, and Hepatitis on White House Plan to End the HIV Epidemic
Dec. 1, 2021 - Five of the nation’s leading organizations focused on ending the HIV, STD, and hepatitis epidemics in the United States — AIDS United, NASTAD, the National Coalition of STD Directors, NMAC, and The AIDS Institute — today issued the following statement...
Partnership to End the HIV, STD, and Hepatitis Issues Statement on 2020 Election Results
Washington, D.C. — Five of the nation’s leading organizations focused on ending the HIV, STD, and hepatitis epidemics in the United States — AIDS United, NASTAD, the National Coalition of STD Directors, NMAC, and The AIDS Institute — today issued the following...
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